Increase Your Revenue by 15% with Voice Ads in Your Business Space

April 25, 2024

Lucia Giacomelli

Increase Your Revenue by 15% with Voice Ads in Your Business Space

Do you remember the last time an in-store announcement made you stop and consider an offer you didn't even know you needed? Imagine that power multiplied, influencing not only your decisions but those of hundreds of customers every day. This is how voice announcements are transforming sales in supermarkets around the world.

How Voice Announcements Are Revolutionizing Retail Sales

Voice ads are advertising strategies that speak directly to consumers at the perfect moment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to maximizing this tool at your points of sale:

Know Your Audience

Before launching your first announcement, it's crucial to understand who your buyers are. Families, young professionals, healthy food lovers? Conducting this analysis will allow you to tailor messages, making each ad resonate more effectively with your target audience.

Clear and Direct Messages

Voice announcements should be brief and to the point. Remember, you are speaking to customers who are constantly on the move. A direct message of no more than 30 seconds can efficiently communicate offers and news without distracting from the shopping experience. Less is more when it comes to capturing attention in a fast-paced environment like a supermarket.

Audio Quality: Your Priority

Don’t underestimate the power of clear, well-modulated sound. Invest in a high-quality sound system that ensures your message is heard clearly throughout the establishment. A good mix of voice and background music is essential to capture attention without being invasive.

The Ideal Voice

The voice of your announcements should be pleasant and easy to understand, reflecting your brand's identity and creating an emotional connection with customers. A voice that conveys trust and warmth can make the difference between a customer who walks by and one who stops to listen.

High-Interest Content

Special offers, limited-time promotions, tastings, and announcements of new products are examples of content that generate impulse buys and increase buyer interest.

Strategy Synergy

Voice announcements should complement and reinforce your other marketing activities. Ensure all communication channels, from social media to in-store marketing, are synchronized to increase sales.

Perfect Timing

Choosing the right time to broadcast your announcements is crucial. Consider peak times such as weekends or holiday eves. This is when your messages can have the most impact.

How to Get Started?

With Brandtrack, incorporating voice announcements into your marketing strategy has never been easier. With our AI-generated ad creator, you can create voice ads in just seconds, saving time and costs on production and voice-over.

We offer this powerful functionality for free with any of our plans. Would you like to implement it in your business?

Schedule a free consultation with our specialists and start increasing your revenue with voice ads!

Lucia Giacomelli excels as the Marketing Team Lead at Brandtrack.

Connect with her on LinkedIn.