Music that Captivates Your Diners

  • Legal Risk-Free Music

    Comply with copyright laws with our licensed music.

  • Influence on Diners' Behavior

    Music that improves the mood, encouraging customers to stay longer and consume more.

  • Music for Every Moment

    Customize the music for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, maintaining the ideal ambiance.

Experience-driven businesses trust us as their top choice

Your customers care about the music. So should you.


Increase in revenue

when pleasant music is played in stores.


Increase in time

spent in store, generating larger P.O.


Increase in fidelity

resulting in a higher chance of returning.


savings on legal issues

regarding music royalty compliance.

Enchant Diners with Restaurant Music

Welcoming Your Diners

A group of friends arrives to celebrate a special birthday. Upon entering, they are greeted by a soft jazz melody that instantly creates a cozy atmosphere. The music makes the wait at the bar enjoyable, generating an unforgettable first impression.

Increase the Mood

During dinner, uninterrupted instrumental music maintains a relaxed and pleasant tone. The atmosphere fosters lively conversations and full enjoyment of gourmet dishes. The harmonious sound invites diners to prolong their stay, order more wines, and explore the dessert menu.

No Distraction for the Staff

The staff doesn't need to worry about changing the music or adjusting the volume. Brandtrack has programmed playlists that perfectly adapt to each moment of the evening, allowing the waiters to focus on providing excellent and personalized service.

Like an exclusive DJ
in your store

Our AI tracking systems ensures the music played at your locations is perfect for every occasion.

Whether you need to improve your customer turnover or provide a better experience for your clients on a rainy afternoon, our Smart Music Platform will be your best partner in achieving your business goals.

  • Custom playlists curated by music industry professionals

  • Add your own advertising between songs

  • Birds-eye view dashboard to control your stores

  • No internet connection is required for playback.